The girl’s blue eyes shone as she looked at Liv’s cloak, its raven feathers flapping lightly in the scant, chilly, late morning breeze that breathed in from the fjord.

“Are you magic?” the girl asked.

Liv pushed back her hood, nodded enthusiastically, and looked back at the girl, tilting her head forward slightly to look at the girl beneath the line of her dark eyebrows. “Yes, I am!” Then after a pause, she added with a broad smile, “And so are you.”


Druid Twilight: Legacy

The Druid Twilight saga draws to an end in the sixth book of the series, Druid Twilight: Legacy. Highland Skyhold flourishes as the Orders come together, at last. Peace seems to be descending on the northern-most reaches of Britain. And yet, the death of Nero and the subsequent Year of the Four Emperors in Rome once again threaten that fragile, ephemeral dream that is the future.

Cerialis, who Boudica once defeated, is appointed Governor of Britain, and a new and powerful General Agricola threatens the north in revenge for Cerialis' second defeat by the Brigantes.

And amid all this, a new and more dangerous apprentice to Mab emerges, threatening to bring everything to an end. Caedwyn and Brianna are drawn into a final showdown with Mab's curse.

You will not want to miss the thrilling conclusion of Druid Twilight.