“The surface of time, as the world itself, is very like a great weaving, folding, billowing on an unseen wind. Beneath, there are layers upon layers, flowing in their own imperceptible wind, created by an invisible loom: the Loom of Destiny.”


Druid Twilight:
The Loom of Destiny I

In the 1st century, Britain was in the throes of an on-going invasion by Emperial Rome begun by Claudius forty years earlier. The Roman invaders were set to destroy the whole Druid culture because they recognized it as a hindrance to their exertion of power over the British territories.

Two Orders – the male Druid Order and the female Semnotheoi Order – have been restricted from ever working together, for reasons lost to memory. Yet, in the face of impending disaster, they must decide how to pass on their legacy, knowing that the world as they have known it has come to an end. They grow with the challenges they meet and become the makers of their own history and future.

Two young Britons, Caedwyn of the Druid Order, and Brianna, a Semnotheoi, have been entangled in the struggle between the Orders since childhood. Drawn together by an undeniable force, they must navigate the political landscape between their Orders, as well as the Romans. Yet, they are separated and become apprentices to the great teachers of their lineages. In the end, the powers they learn and the strength of their wills are pitted against the most powerful armies known on earth.