Gerry C Starnes

The ability to weave the authentic, yet mythical heritage of antiquity into the tapestry of the established and authorized story of the past that we have been taught is high magic. In that sense, author Gerry C Starnes is a magician.

The history of the Celtic lands of Britain that we carry forward was recorded millennia ago by Roman historians eager to establish their own imperial legacy. Through their writings, we know that the Roman conquest of the lands and peoples of Britain were hampered by constant rebellion from the many tribes that called the Island their homeland.

Gerry C Starnes has roots in those lands, as well as those further north – the seafarers and boatbuilders of Denmark and Norway. The path of his lineage travels fathomless Celtic roots. It is from this essential foundation that the saga of the last of the ancient Druids of Britain can be told.

He is a knowledgeable and engaging storyteller – a heartfelt weaver of the rich heritage of the ancient keepers of wisdom and deep magic: The Druids.

Gerry C. Starnes, M.Ed. is a best-selling author of the award-winning Spirit Paths: The Quest for Authenticity and other publications. He lives in Austin, Texas.